Posted in Politics, Celebrities by Jackie Danicki

There are several new drawings and an update on Gary Musselman here at his blog. Amy Alkon has been helping him get a bank account, a birth certificate, and PayPal for his website. Gary has already tried to repay Amy the money she loaned him last week, with some of the funds from the art he has sold in the last few days – needless to say, she told him to hold on to it for a bit longer.

This Hugh MacLeod drawing is pretty much a mantra round these parts.

I’m going to Mashup tonight, and have an awful lot of work to get done before we leave for France on Thursday (for the Exbrayat centenary celebrations). I have no business blogging here until Sunday, but I’m sure I’ll find justification somewhere.

In the meantime:

Richard Dreyfuss, could you be any less removed from reality?

“The ‘war on terror’ — objection to using this term is dead. It’s become part of our vocabulary, but what does it really mean? You should know more specifically what you are fighting.”

Well, he hasn’t read many blogs or, you know…had many conversations if he thinks objection to the term is dead. I can’t think of many people – myself included – who would use it without sneer quotes (typographical or intoned). (Funnily enough, Dreyfuss’s political advisor, Donna Bojarsky, came to a party I threw in LA last year. She’s really cool. She should make her boss talk less and read more.) I guess Dreyfuss lives on the same planet as Susan Sarandon, who claims she’s one of very few celebrities who are openly against Bush and the war. It’s the same planet where her boyfriend Tim Robbins lives, one where no one in the media has called for Bush’s impeachment.

It really is easier to understand why some people have the downright backward beliefs they do when you get a glimpse of the alternative reality they call home. They truly do not know any better.

Then again, I’m the one getting irritated by the stupidity of celebrities, when nobody seems to expect much more than that from them. Question: If ‘the media’ is so evil in the eyes of Dreyfuss and Robbins, how come blowhards like them get so much uncritical coverage from ‘the media’?